Brand Ideas

Brand Health Checkup


ou’re feeling a little out of sorts with your branding.

“Where should I start? What is most important? Why am I not getting traction?”

Marketing, design, and communications can be so confusing. There is so much noise out there with marketers telling you that there’s only one way to sell yourself or “buy my tried and true method for winning blah blah blah.”

It’s loud and exhausting.

Take a deep breath. You’re doing great.

The fact that you know you need to grow in this area is the first best step. My encouragement to you is: be honest with yourself.

I’ve put together this little self-evaluation for you to get a sense of how your branding/marketing is actually doing. This isn’t to make you feel guilty or bad about things. It’s to get a sense of strengths and weaknesses and where you can put efforts into growth.

It’s like walking into a house that you know needs a remodel. Think of this process as walking through that home and dreaming of what it will look like after all the demolition, upgrading, and rebuilding.

When you look back on this process after the project is done, you’ll be able to reassess and see the objective areas in which you’ve developed.

Take the test here.

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