Brand Ideas

A Healthy Brand - The Basics


art one of a healthy brand involves the basic design and creative elements that will help you develop and grow your branding and marketing efforts.

With these in place, you will have a consistent and cohesive presence in the minds and eyes of your customers.

I’ve broken these up into four categories and have included a checklist for you to use. Which of these do you have and where are you lacking? Feel free to print this out to get a sense of what you’re doing well and where you need help.

Remember priorities are going to be different for everyone and the purpose of this piece is to serve as a guide for where you can grow, not to make you feel bad for what you don’t have.

Brand Ideas

Brand Health Checkup

How is your branding? Find out how to get on track with this self evaluation.

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Brand Ideas

Elements of a Healthy Brand

How healthy is your brand? A robust and trustworthy organization does these things well.

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